How different can a person be, how many mental challenges can one have and still create value for a company that exists under ordinary commercial conditions?

Can you hire a brewer with autism? A war veteran with severe PTSD as Head of Logistics? A warehouse assistant with severe brain damage? Or how about a store manager with recurring depressions?

Yes, you can. We have done all of it in our craft brewery People Like Us.

At People Like Us, we believe that almost all people want and needs to be part of a binding community that adds value to society – which is what a workplace is. We believe that everyone has abilities which can add financial profit for an employer. All it requires is that the employer takes time to get to know the individual instead of limiting their point of view to a narrow job description.

Everyone has something to offer. Boxes are for beer, not for people.

At People Like Us, we are not content with believing. Since 2016, we have demonstrated that it can be done. Approximately 70 percent of our employees have one or several diagnoses which have a significant impact on their lives.

It is our firm conviction that society cannot afford, on a financial as well as personal level, to exclude people who do not fit into the standardized boxes within the job market. Society’s bill keeps growing while the mental health of the individual deteriorates. It is both inhumane and quite simply bad business.

By collaborating with People Like Us and spreading our wonderful beers, you also help strengthen the foundation underneath a lighthouse that illuminates a path our job market cannot afford to lose.

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